The People’s Queen Street, June 7

Join us on Saturday June 7 as EN Consulting Group & UrbanID participate in 100in1Day with our playful intervention The People’s Queen Street. We will be intervening various parking spaces at the corner of Queen St. West and Soho In these parking spaces WE...

Berczy Park Revitalization Public Meeting #2 – December 9

Please join Councillor McConnell and representatives of the City of Toronto on Monday, December 9 for the second Public Meeting for the Berczy Park Revitalization Project. Landscape Architect Claude Cormier et Associes will present two (2) conceptual design ideas for...

Concord Park Public Consultation – Nov 28

Councillor David Shiner is hosting a public consultation meeting to invite the public to share their ideas for the new park at Concord Park Place. The public meeting will be held at 77 Provost Drive on Thursday November 28, 2013. Please click here for a map....

Construction Issues becoming an issue for City Hall

Toronto Star: Construction site nightmares: Isn’t there a better way than blocking traffic? Paul Moloney Urban Affairs Reporter The current building boom has created a checkerboard of downtown curb lane and sidewalk closures. Some three dozen construction sites,...